Letter to our young Vietnamese-Americans by Hieu Van Nguyen


Our dear friends,


Frequently we are facing the question “Where are you from?”, and our natural answer is “From Viet Nam.”  However our identity is not that simple as other Asian countries such as Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, India, etc… Are we North Vietnamese - American (Communist) or South Vietnamese - American (former Republic of South Viet Nam)? 


Why is this so important to you and your family?  Please look back into the history of Viet Nam: there are two mass exoduses of millions of people from Communism. One in 1954 after the Geneva Convention divided our country in two nations and another one in 1975 when the Communist invaded South Viet Nam. From 1954 to 1975, one million of soldiers of the Republic of Viet Nam lost their lives to protect our country from becoming Communist; fighting along side with the soldiers of our Allied countries: US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea…


 Our identity is important to us. Millions of soldiers, parents and friends sacrificed their lives for our freedom and our welfare. The determination of millions of innocent people, after the invasion of the Communist in 1975, is forever to be honored. These people confronted the consequences of failure, the perils of the oceans, the cruelties of the pirates, the dangers of an uncertain future to bring their families, to find for us a free country to live. History told only a small percentage succeeding in such a plight. However, here we are today as living testimonies. 


 That is why it was so important to us when The State of Ohio passed The House Bill No 55 and Governor Ted Strickland formally recognized the twenty-ninth day of April as a “Heritage and Freedom Flag of the Former Republic of Viet Nam Day” in honor of the heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.


 We all hope that our predecessors are planting the seed of young Vietnamese in this good ideological soil to make a better South Vietnamese-American generation. 


 From the bottom of our Heart, we are calling on your participation of the Flag Day ceremonies in front of the Ohio State Capitol on Thursday, April 29, 2010. Your presence and participation will not only tell “Who you are”,  but will show your sincere recognition to the ultimate, noble sacrifice of our Allied Nation soldiers who gave their lives for our freedom. This is the least we can do as Vietnamese people in Ohio. “Do not forget who you are!”


Hieu Van Nguyen

Born to Honor Freedom