United States Border Security -


by David A. Bond, Col, USAF (Ret)



Go to a party, chit-chat or listen to comments around the office cooler.  Anywhere you discuss border security everyone has a point of view - but a fence must be the top consideration and immediately be built.  The impact on this country's security is critically crucial.


I recently gave a speech to the Pat Nixon Republican Women's Federated Organization in Orange County CA.  Border security was at the top of their interest list, not only from the illegal immigrant standpoint but from the terrorism view as well.


I was delighted in the number of questions and comments that came from these ladies as mothers, grandmothers concerning border security and terrorism and their legitimate concern for the future of this country.  How many terrorist or potential terrorist have already crossed the border to become sleepers, awaiting the word to attack U.S. targets?


Numerous Muslim prayer blankets have been found along the border - not used south of the border - I DON'T THINK.   Most people discussing border security are primarily concerned with the illegal worker saga. In addition to terrorism we tend to forget the billion dollar business of drug trafficking that crosses our borders.  When discussing border security it includes our security, safety, freedoms, economy, confidence and well being that we've all experienced in past decades of growing up and living in a relatively secure country. 


Illegals caught in the past five years have had little fear of being prosecuted - less than 3% of the 1.17 million caught last year were.  We must establish a plan to stop the flow and be able to immediately document everyone who comes into this country. We must know who is here and be capable of immediately identifying them.  We must check for diseases, criminal records, and any derogatory information.  We must disallow babies born of illegals in this country to automatically become American citizens.  We must not allow illegals to sue American citizens or the U.S. government. (reference my article on Political Correctness in the previous Patriot newsletter)


We must stop or slow down the drug traffic that is slowly destroying our citizens through users, gangs, and innocent bystanders who end up as victims.  Terrorism is the most important argument for proposals on closing the borders.  Getting a handle on those that enter this country that are part of the terror network is a must.  The border security problem is a part of the war on terror - A BIG PART.


If we have open borders (and for all practical purposes we do) why do we have a terror list at airports or ship ports or at any border entry point?  WE HAVE CLOSED THE FRONT DOOR BUT LEAVE THE BACK DOOR OPEN!

If you were intent as part of a terror network to destroy this country and cause death and destruction, which door would you come through?  Recently a boat with 100 illegal Haitians penetrated our nation's coastal defenses in South Florida.  Another example of the poor border defense we have in the U.S.!  Yep, I'm afraid so.  If this group could get through, how can we expect that any group well briefed, funded with savvy intelligence would have any trouble?


Check out the immigration amnesty plan being worked behind closed doors in Washington.  If you haven't looked deeply at the immigration issue, take a look.  You might be surprised.  If this amnesty program is implemented, millions of applications will immediately be forthcoming to an already overworked immigration system.  Terrorists, drug runners, criminals and others would take this opportunity to use counterfeit IDs to become legal.


Thus, driver licenses, social security cards, credit cards, etc., would be legally obtained identification to enter the daily life as a legitimate U.S. citizen.  The result?  Many undesirables in our country - LEGALLY with a "free pass."  Destruction of our country and citizens, the poisoning of our youth with drugs and without the worry of being picked up and continuing the drain on the American taxpayer while literally "hiding in the open" - WOW!!  As a retired senior military officer and having dealt with the Washington establishment, why does this not surprise me?


I mention this only because our very survival as American citizens depends on it.  Here we go again - politically correct - those two words, mark my words will kill us!


Wake up America - get educated on what's going on in the immigration fiasco.  Do it now.  Get to your representatives so they won't continue to act like a "rudderless ship."


Tell them your thoughts - there is strength in numbers - that is our weapon - no more charades in D.C.


Border security is on life support in this country.  It will be a major operation but the alternative is unthinkable.  We are at a huge risk and will be until we - the citizen soldier - takes action.


If you care - I mean really care and have fire in your belly - stand up and be counted as an American that wants your children and grandchildren to enjoy what this country has to offer.  We are "only" demanding our homeland be secure!


"We expect no more - we will accept no less."


Courtesy: www.BackToBasicsAmerica.com